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                    13 / AUG / 2020                      

Write an essay on " An Elephant "
(Copy this essay into your English OCB exercise book.)

"An Elephant" 
An  elephant is the biggest animal on the earth. The colour of its skin is black. It lives in the dense forest. It has a big body, four thick legs, two large ears, two small eyes and a short tail. It also has a long trunk from the head to the ground. It is found in the forest of Africa, India and Burma. An angry elephant is very dangerous. It is a strong and intelligent animal. 

                    11 / AUG / 2020                      
Ch:2  Nouns
General Instructions:-
1. Read the questions carefully.
2. Each answer is of two marks. 
3. Click on the submit button after completing the test. 
Note:- It is mandatory to write your name and four digit registration number.

                    10 / AUG / 2020                      
Poem :1  The Rainbow by Christina Rossetti  
This is a Self Assessment Test to check if you have understood poem-1.
General Instructions:-
1. Read the questions carefully.
2. Each answer is of two marks. 
3. Click on the submit button after completing the test. 
Note:- It is mandatory to write your name and four digit registration number.

                    07 / AUG / 2020                      
Revise chapter -  1 Geeta's Biscuits for a Self Assessment Test on 14/8/2020 (Friday) 

                    06 / AUG / 2020                      

Write an essay on "My Family"
(Copy this into your English OCB exercise book.) 

I have a wonderful family and I love all my family members. My family consists of ______ members, my parents, my grand _________, my __________ brother/sister and myself. My father is a ________ and my mother is a ___________. All my family members love, respect and care for each other. My family has taught me good lessons about love, unity and co-operation among ourselves. I love my family very much. 

                    05 / AUG / 2020                      
Revise chapter 2 Nouns for a Self Assessment Test (SAT) test on 11/8/2020 (Tuesday)

                    04 / AUG / 2020                      
 Revise poem :1  The Rainbow by Christina Rossetti for a Self Assessment Test (SAT) on 10/8/2020 ( Monday ) 

                    31 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 44 and 45        
2. Put the following sentences in order. The first sentence is in the correct place. 
Working with words
Use the following phrases in sentences of your own. The first one has been done for you. 
1) such a great king
Sentence: Akbar was such a great king. 
2) called for 
3) with his clever words
4) something naughty

                    30 / JULY / 2020                      

Page no : 44        
Copy these words and their meaning in your English-OCB and make sentences with them. One has been done for you. 

1) Behave : to act in an acceptable way; being polite and good - tempered. 
Sentence :   He behaved like he was afraid. 
2) Court : the ministers, officers and officials who attend to a king. 
Sentence : 
3) Decided : made up one's mind; settled. 
Sentence : 
4) Directions : lines, points in different places. 
Sentence : 
5) Famous : known by many people. 
Sentence :  
6) Shocked : upset; stunned; surprised  
Sentence : 
7) Speechless : not able to speak; silent. 
Sentence : 
8) Troubles : worries; problems 
Sentence : 
1. Answer the following questions.
a) Where did Akbar have his court? 
Ans :Akbar had his court in Delhi, inside his huge palace. 
b) Who did Akbar have at his court? 
Ans :Akbar had many famous people at his court. There were artists, musicians, dancers, poets, scientists, writers and a funny man called Mulla Do Piyaza. 
c) What work did Mulla Do Piyaza have at Akbar's court? 
Ans :Mulla Do Piyaza was a jester at Akbar's court, who made the Emperor laugh. 
d) When did Rafiq behave badly? 
Ans :Rafiq behaved badly one morning when his father was away at the Emperor's court. 
e) What did the Mulla's wife tell her husband ? 
Ans :The Mulla' s wife told her husband that their son had behaved badly and she had chased him out of the room. The frightened boy was hiding under his bed all day long and would not listen to his mother. 
f) Did the Mulla have anything to say to his son? 
Ans :No, the Mulla was left speechless after his son suggested for him to join him under the bed, thinking that he too had been punished by his mother. 

                    29 / JULY / 2020                      


General Instructions:-
1. Read the questions carefully.
2. Each answer is of two marks. 
3. Click on the submit button after completing the test. 
Note:- It is mandatory to write your name and four digit registration number.

                    28 / JULY / 2020                      

Page no : 43 
Read the chapter carefully .
Main characters are: Akbar, Mulla Do Piyaza, Mulla's wife and Rafiq (Mulla's son).
Assignment : 
Read page no: 43 twice carefully and try to understand it better. 
Composition : Revise Ch -11 for your Self Assessment Test on Wednesday, 29th of July. 

                    27 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 42 
Read the chapter carefully.
Main characters are: Akbar, Mulla Do Piyaza, Mulla's wife and Rafiq (Mulla's son).
Assignment : 
Read page no: 42 twice carefully and try to understand it better. 

                    24 / JULY / 2020                      

Page no : 50
Assignment :
B)  Rewrite the following sentences properly, using capital letters where necessary and ending with full stops or question marks. Copy them in your English OCB exercise book. The first one has been done for you.
1) where is anil going
Ans : Where is Anil going ? 
2) is venugopal going to kochi this year
Ans : 
3) please tell me the time
Ans : 
4) can you please tell me the time
Ans : 
5) gigi and bobo went to see zonko because he was ill
Ans : 
6) is this your book
Ans : 
7) bobby and tony are students of national academy
Ans : 
8) will you go with ravi and rana to play tennis
Ans : 
9) mother goes for a walk every evening 
Ans : 
10) vishwanath anand is a famous chess player
Ans : 

                    23 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 49
Assignment :
A)  Rewrite the following sentences, using capital letters in and full stops where necessary. Copy them in your English OCB exercise book. The first one has been done for you.

1) raja and rita are our friends
Ans : Raja and Rita are our friends. 
2) jaya's mother took her to the doctor
Ans : 
3) little jack horner sat in a corner
Ans : 
4) her sister's name is hetal patel and she lives in london
Ans : 
5) sheetal has been to agra to see the taj mahal
Ans : 
6) i am reading a book by enid blyton
Ans : 
7) meena likes to read fairy tales
Ans : 
8) cinderella ran down the stairs of the palace
Ans : 
9) aunt veena called out to hari to stop
Ans : 
10) geetha and sana play chess every sunday
Ans : 

                    22 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 49 and 50
Here are some questions try to answer them.
1)  Which school do you go to?
Ans:     ...........................
2) Write the name of your teacher.
Ans:     ...........................

Each word that makes up the name of your school begins with a capital letter: New Academy and St. Joseph's School.

You have also learnt that a sentence always begins with a Capital letter and ends with a full stop or question mark:

1) Varun kicked the football.
2) Is Rohan a good boy?
3) Does Niti live in Kolkata?
4) I am a pupil of Class ll of New Academy.

You will notice that the word 'Class' in (4) has been spelt with a capital letter.This is because it refers to the particular class you study in. Otherwise, the word class is usually spelt with a small  'c'.

Children of all classes  were given their text books today. When you ask a question, you end the sentence with a question mark and not with a full stop.

1) Are you a good boy?
2) Is that Ritu's book?
3) Do you want a chocolate?

Assignment :  Read page no. 49 and 50 again with thorough understanding.
Composition Monday : Revise Ch -11 for Self Assessment Test (SAT) on Monday, 27th of July.

                    21 / JULY / 2020                      

Page no : 48
Children you have learnt that your name begins with a capital letter and so does the name of your city. Now, you know why- they are both proper nouns
If you remember, this is how you write the names of people : 

Anu Mehra, Aryan Sinha, Riya Gupta and Ayush Singh.

Names of Cities : 
New Delhi, Patna, Chennai and Mumbai.

Children try to answer these questions.

1)  Write the name of your town or city. 
Ans:    .....................................

2) Write the name of your country. 
Ans:    ......................................

Points to remember : 
The names of towns, cities, countries, continents, like all proper nouns, begin with capital letters which are followed by small letters. 

India, China, Nepal, Japan, England and Asia.

Assignment :  Read page no. 48 twice and watch the video again.   

                    20 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 59 and 60
Working with words
Use the following phrases in sentences of your own.The first one has been done for you. 
1) as cold as ice 
Sentence:The stone floor was as cold as ice.
2) as hard as stone
3) as sweet as honey
4) as old as the hills
5) as white as snow
6) as round as an apple 

I'd like to be a monkey. Wouldn't you? What would you like to be? Write about it, and draw a picture. 

                    17 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 59
Assignment: Copy them in your English OCB ex book.
 Words to know. 
1) LEAPING : jumping
2) PROWL    : lie in waiting; creep around.

Answer the following questions. Hints are given in the bracket. 
1) What do monkeys do? (first 6th line of the first stanza)
Ans : 
2) How do monkeys move from one branch to another? ( 3rd line of the second stanza)  
Ans : 
3) What do monkeys do all day long? (5th line of the first stanza) 
Ans : ) 
4) What do tigers do in the jungle? (2nd line of the second stanza) 
Ans : 
5) What do tigers do in the day? (3rd and 4th line of the second stanza) 
Ans : 
6) What do tigers do in the evening and at night? (5th and 6th line of the second stanza) 
Ans : 

                    16 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 58 
Now  read the poem aloud twice and try to understand it. 

Here are some questions try to answer them after discussing with your parents. 
1) What does the poet want to become? 
2) Why does the poet want to become a monkey? 
3) Why does the poet want to become a tiger? 

Look and read carefully the graph given below. 
Assignment :  Read page no  58 and try to understand it.

                    15 / JULY / 2020                      
Copy this Assessment Worksheet into your English-OCB and complete the exercises as required. 
A) Write the meaning of the given words. 

1) Exciting: 
2) Explained: 

3) Groaning: 

4) Matter: 

5) Stall: 

6) Trouble: 

7) Platform:

B) Answer these questions.
1) What kind of man was uncle Sunith? 
Uncle Sunith was a very jolly man ____________________________ . 

2) What did Nikhil go to see one day in Hyderabad? 
One day Nikhil went to Hyderabad to see ____________________________________________ . 

3) Why was the old man groaning?
The old man was groaning with pain ______________________________________________ . 

4) What did the Bullock do? 
The bullock broke  ___________________________ . 

5) Why did the crowd chase Nikhil?
The crowd chased Nikhil because they ______________________________________________ . 

C) Complete the following sentences in your own words.
a) Nikhil likes _________________________ 
b) Nikhil caught hold _______________________________________
c) Nikhil's uncle was a _______________________________________
d) Nikhil was frightened _______________________________________ 
e) One of the bullocks broke _______________________________________ 

D) Rearrange the words in the following sentences. 
a) box in three lived mice a broken

b) under shelf box the was my

c) a the noise made mice sometimes big

d) I go to away them told

e) to all they refused go 

f) a is box said they nice this (use inverted commas in this sentence) 

g) the the in I garden box put then 

                    14 / JULY / 2020                      

Page no : 40 and 41 
Assignment : 
A) Answer the following questions in your ENGLISH OCB ex book. 

2) What did Toby's mother tell him?
Ans : Mummy Froggie told Toby that he would soon be a lovely frog and would jump about from rock to rock. If Toby was a little patient he would be as handsome as Daddy Froggie. He should have no doubt about that. 

3) What happened one sunny morning? 
Ans : One sunny morning, Toby's tail was gone. His fat little snout shook with joy and he declared happily that he had grown up at last. 
B) Pick out one proper noun from the poem and write it here. 
C) Pick out three adjectives from the poem and write them here. 
____________      _______________    ____________
D) Pick out three verbs from the poem and write them here.
___________  ______________   _____________
E) Write four sentences in your exercise book on how a tadpole becomes a frog. You can start with: 
Tadpoles are baby frogs. They have........................... 

Prose Wednesday 
Revise Chapter : 4 NIKHIL IN TROUBLE for a Self Assessment Test tomorrow (15th July 2020.) 

                    13 / JULY / 2020                      

Page no : 40 and 41 
Read the chapter carefully .
Main characters are: Toby tadpole (baby frog), Mummy Froggie (mother frog), Daddy Froggie (father frog). 

Assignment : 
A) Answer the following questions in your ENGLISH OCB ex book. 

1) What did Toby Tadpole ask his mom?
Ans : Toby tadpole asked his mom where he had come from, because he did not look like his dad or mom. He wanted to know if he would always be so ugly. 

Read page no :40 twice and understand it and learn the answers to the questions.

                    10 / JULY / 2020                      

Page no : 39  

B) Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs, chosen from am, is, are, was, and were. The first one has been done for you. 

1) India is  a large country. 
2) The earth ________ round. 
3) I ________ a pupil of class II. 
4) These words ________ verbs. 
5) They _______ hungry after their long walk. 
6) Zafar and Karan __________ my classmates. 
7) I _________ sorry I broke the flowerpot. 
8) Sana's father __________ a good football player when he _________ in school. 
9) His name _______ Nitin. 
10) The children ________ happy that the holidays have started. 
11) Saima ________ a very clever girl. She _________ good at Arithmetic. 
12) He ______ late because he had missed the school bus. 
13) I _________ the tallest boy in my class. 
14) _________ Varun and Dhruv your friends? 
15) Tom ________ caught by the farmer when he tried to climb up the apple tree . 

Prose Wednesday 
Revise Chapter : 4 NIKHIL IN TROUBLE for a Self Assessment Test on Wednesday (15 th July 2020.) 
                    09 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 38
A) Fill in each blank with suitable verbs, chosen from those given in brackets after the blank. The first one has been done for you. 

1) Rina goes (goes, go) to the same school that I go  (goes, go) to. 
2) I ________ ( was, were) a student of class 1 last year. 
3) Tom _______(want, wanted) to take part in the play. 
4) Ram and Rahim ________ (is, are) friends. 
5) There _______ (is, are) thirty students in my class. 
6) Kiran ________ (likes, like) summer more than winter. 
7) They __________(loves, love) to swim in the lake. 
8) Do you_______(knows, know) that our sun________(is, are) a star? 
9) We _______(play, plays) in the field near our house. 
10) In most parts of India, it ________(rains, rain) heavily during the monsoon. 
11) In winter, the days______(becomes, become) shorter, and the nights longer. 
12) He _______(was, were) a little nervous before the examination. 

                    08 / JULY / 2020                      
Page  no : 37 and 38
A verb is not just a doing word, but it also refers to the time.
Verbs that are very often used to tell us how or what somebody or something is, are, am, was, were.
a) am taller than my brother Gopal.
b) Chandni is a very preety girl.
c) It was hot and humid yesterday.
d) Zara and Saima are very good friends.
e) We were in the garden a little while ago.


Am :  Am is used for present time. It refers to singular noun. It is used only with 'I'

Is:  Is is used for present time. It refers to singular noun. It is used only with He, She, It

Are :  Are is used for present time. It refers to plural noun. It is used with 'We ', 'You', 'They'. 

Was:  Was is the past form of 'Am' 'Is'. It refers to singular noun. It is used with 'I', 'He' 'She' 'It'. 

Were:  Were is the past form of 'Are'. It refers to plural noun. It is used with 'We' 'You' 'They'. 


Assignment : Read page no : 37  and 38 and understand it. . Watch the video again. 

                    07 / JULY / 2020                      
Poem 4 : Trees are lovely
By Colin Ash
Copy this Assessment Worksheet to your English-OCB and complete the exercises as required.

A) Make sentences with the given word meanings. 

1) Creatures : animals

2) Curled : formed into a bent or curved shape.
_______________________________________ . 

3) Lean : thin. 
_______________________________________ . 

4) Showers : a short period of rain. 

_______________________________________ . 

5) Stem : a small, thin part that grows from the trunk of the tree. 

______________________________________ . 

6) Trunk : the thick main part of a tree. 

______________________________________ . 

 B) Answer these questions. 

1) What are some of the colours of trees? Can you think of more? 
Ans : Some of the colours of trees are _________ and __________ .Some other colours may be orange, red and purple. 

2) What are some of the parts of trees? Can you think of more? 
Ans : Some of the parts of trees are ______ , ________ , _________ , ________ and branches.

3) How are trees useful to children? 

Ans : Trees are useful to children as they can have fun climbing their _________ and can also hide in their _________ from their _________ . 

4) In what other ways are trees useful?

Ans : 

C) These are all parts of a tree, but the letters are jumbled. What are the parts?
1) STUN           -
2) CHARNB     -   
3) FEAL            -
4) METS           -
5) BRAK           -  

D) Write the eight lines of the poem 'Trees Are Lovely' in a neat and clean handwriting. 

                    06 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 51
Poem :4 Trees are lovely. 
Lets talk about the words below. Write your own story. 

Child fishing in a small boat---- wide river ---- returning -- big wind blows boat away -- man shouts--saves child. (discuss with your parents, see the picture, imagine about it and then write the story.)
Poetry Monday
Revise poem 4: 'Trees Are Lovely' for a Self Assessment Test on Tuesday (7th July 2020)Tomorrow. 

                    03 / JULY / 2020                       
Page no : 50
Assignment :
Working with words
These are all parts of a tree, but the letters are jumbled. What are the parts? One has been done for you.
1) STUN           -  NUTS
2) CHARNB     -   
3) FEAL            -
4) METS           -
5) BRAK           -  

                    02 / JULY / 2020                        
Page no : 50
Assignment :
Answer these questions in your English OCB. Hints are given in the brackets. 
1) What are some of the colours of trees? Can you think of more? (first line of the first paragraph.) 
Ans : Some of the colours of trees are _________ and __________ . Some other colours may be orange, red and purple.

2) What are some of the parts of trees? Can you think of more? (second line of the first paragraph.) 
Ans : Some of the parts of trees are ______ , ________ , _________ , ________ and branches.

3) How are trees useful to children? (last two lines in the second paragraph.) 
Ans : Trees are useful to children as they can have fun climbing their _________ and can also hide in their _________ from their _________ .

4) In what other ways are trees useful? Talk about this in class. (discuss with your parents and then answer it.) 
Ans :

5) Learn the poem "Trees Are Lovely". 

                    01 / JULY / 2020                      
Page no : 49


Words to Know
Copy these words and their meanings in your OCB-English exercise books and make sentences with them. The first one has been done for you.

1) Creatures : animals
Trees are home to many creatures  .

2) Curled : formed into a bent or curved shape.
_______________________________________ .

3) Lean : thin. 
_______________________________________ .

4) Showers : a short period of rain. 
_______________________________________ .

5) Stem : a small, thin part that grows from the trunk of the tree. 
______________________________________ .

6) Trunk : the thick main part of a tree. 

Learn the poem "Trees Are Lovely". 


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DOWNLOAD YOUR BOOKS HERE BY CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW NEW OXFORD MODERN ENGLISH READER BOOK 1 NEW GRAMMAR TREE BOOK 1  TO DOWNLOAD AND READ YOUR DIGITAL BOOKS ON PDF YOU MUST HAVE A PDF READER INSTALLED ON YOUR MOBILE OR PC. LINK TO THE APP FOR MOBILE BELOW CLICK >ENGLISH  NOTES                     14 / AUG / 2020                         POETRY Poem- 1 My Cat  SELF ASSESSMENT TEST General Instructions :- 1. Read the questions carefully. 2. Each answer is of two mark. 3. Click on the SUBMIT button after completing the test. 4. The test should be completed in 30 minutes. Note- It is mandatory to write your name and four digit registration number. Click here   to begin your SAT in English Poetry Poem-1.                     13 / AUG / 2020                         POETRY Poem- 1 My Cat  REVISION Arrange the following jum


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DOWNLOAD YOUR BOOKS HERE BY CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW HINDI READER KRITI BOOK 3 HINDI VIYAKARAN BOOK 3  TO DOWNLOAD AND READ YOUR DIGITAL BOOKS ON PDF YOU MUST HAVE A PDF READER INSTALLED ON YOUR MOBILE OR PC. LINK TO THE APP FOR MOBILE BELOW                       28/APRIL /2020                      पाठ-1 भाषा ● भाषा की परिभाषा- भाषा वह साधन है जिसके द्वारा हम अपनी बातों को दूसरों तक पहूँचाते है और दुसरो की बातों  को समझते हैं ।                                                    ●भाषा दो प्रकार के होते है।-                                            1.मौखिक भाषा -जैसे- बाते करना ,गाना गाना आदि ।        2.लिखित भाषा-जैसे -पत्र लिखना , कविता लिखना आदि। ●लिपि- लिखने की विधि लिपि कहलाती है।                         ●पूरे राष्ट्र (देश) में बोली जाने वाली भाषा राष्ट्रभाषा कहलाती है।                                                                      ●  हमारी राष्ट्रभाषा हिन्दी