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Assignment:- Read chapter-6 and 7 and complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
India is a very big country. It extends from Kashmir in the north to Kanyakumari in the south, and from Gujarat in the west to Arunachal Pradesh in the east. There are more than one hundred and twenty crore people living in our country. In population size, we are second to China.

We have an elected government, called the Central Government, to look after the needs and welfare of the people of India. The Central Government consists of the President, the Prime Minister and several other Ministers.

These important people have offices in New Delhi – the capital of India.

Since it is difficult to rule such a big country only from one place, our country has been divided into a number of smaller parts, called the States. Each state has its own capital and government, called the State Government. The State Government looks after the problems of its people and works for their welfare.

Presently, there are 29 states in India. The states have their Governors, the Chief Ministers and other Ministers. They have their offices in the state capitals.

There are some smaller parts of the country, which are directly under the control of the Central Government. These are called the Union Territories. There are seven Union Territories in India.

Delhi is a Union Territory with the status of National Capital Territory. All the people living in different states of India are Indians, though they have different languages, customs, food habits, lifestyle, etc. We should be proud of our country – India.

Assignment:- Read chapter-5 and learn states with their capitals.


Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
Our country, India, is the seventh largest country in the world. If we travel through India, we shall find that India has a variety of land surface.
Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
Various types of vehicles like cars, buses, scooters, cycles, rickshaws, trains, aeroplanes, etc. help us to travel from one place to another. They also help us to carry the goods from one place to another. These are called the means of transport.

People who live in big cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, etc. have to travel long distances from one part of the city to another. For visiting a place in our own city, we use cycle, rickshaw, scooter, autorickshaw, etc.

Sometimes, we visit our friends and relatives in another city. We choose the type of transport mostly according to our need and the distance we have to travel. It may be one of the following means of transport:

The railway is the most important and popular means of transport. There are many long distance fast trains, such as the Shatabdi Express, the Rajdhani Express, the Pink City Express, the Taj Express, etc.

Some of our friends and relatives may be living in other countries. We can go there by aeroplanes. Travelling by air is more costly, but it is faster and more comfortable. Aeroplanes also carry fresh fruits, vegetables and other perishable items. Letters and parcels are also sent by aeroplanes to all corners of the world.

Our country has a good network of airways and airports. Helicopters are also used for military purposes, search and rescue operations during natural disasters like flood and drought.

We also need some means of transport to carry goods from one place to another. Food articles have to be carried from farms to godowns and markets. Industrial products are to be carried from the factories to the markets. For transporting these things, we use carts, trucks, goods trains, ships, etc. All the means of transport cannot be used everywhere. In villages, bullock carts and cycles are important means of transport. In cities, we use cycles, scooters, motorcycles, cars, buses, three-wheelers, etc.

In Kolkata and Delhi, we have an underground railway called the Metro.

Metro trains are the most important means of transport. At some places, it is above the ground, and at other places, it is underground.

These means of transport, that move on the land only, are called the land transport.

Ships, boats and steamers sail on water and are called the water transport. Aeroplanes and helicopters are the means of air transport.

In deserts, people use camels for transportation. In hilly areas, ponies and mules are used. In places, having thick forests, people use elephants to go from one place to another. Ropeways or trolleys are used in mountains. In areas covered with snow people use sledges.

Transportation facilities have brought different countries of the world closer.

Assignment:- Read chapter-11 and learn underlined words.

Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
The natural environment consists of all living and nonliving things that occur on the Earth. An environment is all that surrounds a thing. We see a number of objects in our environment – the sun, the moon, and stars in the sky, birds, animals, ships, houses, air, water and all.

We use different objects in our daily life. These objects are made of different materials. What do you do with the things you do not need ? You throw them in the dustbin. These unwanted things are called Litter. Litter is trash put in the wrong place.

Litter, that is, trash or garbage can :

– spread diseases because flies and mosquitoes sit on it.

– contaminate the soil and water.

– cause injury from broken glass.

Litter is dangerous and bad for the environment. The air, land and water get polluted. Some of the litter (waste) rots like vegetable peels and decays. Some others do not decay and contaminate the Earth. This causes pollution of the land, air and water. To pollute means to make it dirty and harmful.

Let us learn and understand how our environment gets polluted. We, human beings, are the main source of pollution. Pollution is of different types:

1. Air Pollution

2. Land Pollution

3. Water Pollution

4. Noise Pollution

Air Pollution
The air gets polluted due to the various activities by us. Air in a city gets polluted mainly due to smoke from vehicles. The other causes are :

– smoke from factories.

– burning of fire crackers.

Polluted air causes breathing problems (asthama).

It also affects plants and animals.

Prevent Air from Getting Polluted You can also contribute to prevent air pollution in the following ways :

- Plant trees around your house and in your school.

- Take care of each plant. Trees make the air pure.

- Do not burn crackers. Say no to crackers.

- Write on both sides of the paper.

- Donate your old books to the poor and needy.

In this way, you can help stop the cutting of trees because paper is made from the pulp of trees.

Land Pollution
Do you know where does all the rubbish you throw, go ? It is on the land where you live! The land gets polluted due to our own actions, such as :

Water Pollution
Water gets polluted due to various human activities. Some of them are :

Harmful Effects of Water Pollution

Pollution of water can cause diseases like cholera, jaundice.

Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is another serious problem. Unpleasant sound is called noise. Have you heard the loud blowing of horns by vehicles, the loudspeakers during weddings and festivals? All this causes noise pollution. Some of the causes of noise pollution are :

Harmful Effects of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can harm our ears. It can cause deafness. It also affects old people with heart problems.

Save Your Environment – Save the Earth
We all can save our environment and lead a healthy life.We can contribute in the following ways by reducing and preventing pollution.

Save Energy :
- Turn off lights when you’re not using a room.

- Turn off the TV when not being played.

- Turn off your computer when you are not using it.

- Teach your family to turn off appliances and lights that are not in use.

- Turn off tap when you are brushing your teeth.

Assignment:- Read Chapter -3 and learn underlined words.

Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.
Revise Chapter-1 and 2 for Oral Class Test on 13/08/2021.

The Earth is very big. We cannot see the whole of the Earth at one time. So, we have made a model of the Earth. A model of the Earth is called a globe.

Since the Earth is round, the globe is also round like a ball. We can see one half of the globe at a time. To see the other half, we have to rotate it. The Earth is slightly flat at the top and the bottom.

The topmost point of the Earth is called the north pole. The bottom most point of the Earth is called the south pole.

Different colours on the globe show the land and the water bodies. The blue parts show the water bodies. Different colours are used to show different countries and continents.
Look at the picture. The land on the Earth is divided into many large parts. These large parts of the land on the Earth are called continents. There are seven continents in all.

They are :
1. Asia 2. Africa 3. Europe 4. North America 5. South America 6. Australia 7. Antarctica

Asia is the largest continent. Australia is the smallest continent.

Large bodies of water on the earth are called oceans. The four main oceans on the earth are :
1. The Pacific Ocean
2. The Atlantic Ocean
3. The Indian Ocean
4. The Arctic Ocean

The Indian Ocean is named after India – our country. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth. The smaller bodies of water are called seas, bays and  gulfs.

Since the globe is small in size, we cannot show all the places of the Earth on a globe. It is also difficult to carry a globe everywhere. We can solve this problem by using a map.

A map is a drawing of the Earth on a flat surface. A map which shows the whole Earth is called a world map. A map of a smaller area can also be drawn.

A map may be small in size, such as a map in a book. A map may be big in size which can be put up on a wall. Such maps are called the wall maps. A book of maps is called an atlas.

Maps are easy to carry. We can fold or roll a map. A map can be drawn for a continent, a country, a city or a town.
Look at the map of the largest continent – Asia.
Our country, India, is in the southern part of Asia. Every map shows four main directions:
1. North
2. South
3. East
4. West
These directions help us to locate the various places on the map.

When we hang a map on the wall and stand facing it, we find that the north is always at the top of the map. The south is at the bottom of the map. The right hand side is the east and the left hand side is the west.
In all the maps, the directions are always shown in the same manner.

Did you know that sailors use a compass to find their way while sailing? A compass is an instrument which helps to know the directions. There are four directions – East, West, North and South. The compass is like a watch and has a needle which always points to the north direction.

Assignment:- Read chapter -2 and learn underlined words.      


Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
Earth - Our Home

The Earth on which we live is our home.

- We make our houses on it.
- We play and work on it.
- We grow our food on it.
- We build houses and buildings on it.

Like human beings, animals, birds and insects also live on the Earth. Millions of plants and trees grow on it.

The surface of the Earth is made up of land and water. About three-fourths of the earth’s surface is water and one-fourth is land. As there is more water on its surface, the Earth looks blue from the space. That is why it is called the Blue Planet. The Earth is made up of land, water and air. Life is possible on the Earth because of these things.

All human beings, animals and plants need air to live. The Earth is surrounded by a layer of air. This layer of air is called the atmosphere. We cannot see air around us. We can only feel it.

The shape of the earth is round like a huge football. Hundreds of years ago, people didn’t know that the earth is round like a ball. They thought that it was flat. So they were afraid of travelling to far-off places. They thought that if they traveled too far, they would reach the end of the Earth and fall down from it.

It was about 500 years ago that some brave sailors started on a long voyage. Ferdinand Magellan, a brave sailor from Spain, took five ships and many sailors. He started sailing towards the west. Magellan kept on sailing in the same direction without taking a turn. It was a difficult journey. After sailing for three years, he reached the same place from where he had started. This long journey proved that the Earth is round and not flat.

Science has made a great progress. We know a lot about the Earth. Two astronauts from America were the first to land on the moon. They were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.

From the moon, they took many photographs of the Earth.

Satellites have also taken pictures of the earth. These photographs clearly show that the earth is round like a ball.

If we look out from the top of a high building, the land and the sky seem to meet at a distant point. The place where they seem to meet is called the horizon. Actually, the land and the sky never meet. If we move towards the horizon, it will seem to move farther away.

If we stand near a seashore, the water and the sky also seem to meet at a distant point. But actually, the water and the sky never meet.

The place where the land and the sea meet is called a Coast.

Assignment:- Read chapter- 1 carefully and learn all underlined words.

Learn these spellings and write down in your OCB.   
Community, physically, mentally, challenged, suffering, comfortable, difficult, attention, efficiency, entirely.
Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
All the people who live in a particular area or place form a community. We depend on each other for many things. Generally, we get everything we need – love, care, our daily needs – from the community. It meets all our requirements.

We should also do, whatever we can for our community or society. Society consists of different types of people – healthy, old, sick and physically or mentally challenged people. People, who are young and healthy, should look after the older, weaker and suffering people.

Care of Old People
Many of us have our grand-parents living with us. Grandparents love us very much. They take care of us, and look after our various needs. Sometimes they tell us stories or play with us. It is our duty to do small things for them, help them and make them feel comfortable.

Everyone grows old and becomes weak with age. Old people often fall ill and cannot look after themselves. Sometimes they need support in walking. Their eyesight becomes weak and they find it difficult to read.

They need help, care and love of the younger ones. Spending time with them and looking after their small needs makes them very happy.

Care of Sick People
When a person falls ill, he/she needs more care and attention. Love and proper care makes a person recover faster. Old people are weak and need more care and attention.

Physically Challenged Persons
When a person is physically or mentally challenged, his/her efficiency becomes less. Such people need our help at times. For helping them do certain things, e.g., when you see a blind man trying to cross a road, always come forward and help him. It is our duty to help the blind whenever they need our help. This makes them feel very happy and they realize that people care for them.

Within the Family
Greet or wish the elders and guests at home. Each member of the family should help in household work. It should not be left entirely to the mother or the father or the elders of the house.

- You can help in keeping the house neat and clean.

- You can keep your books, toys, shoes, etc. in order.

- Throw all waste papers or garbage in a dustbin.

- You can help your mother in the kitchen.

- You can get milk and other things from a nearby market or shop.

- You can even look after your younger brother/sister.
Assignment:- Read and understand chapter-10 and learn underlined words.

Assignment- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-

Different people take up different occupations according to their interests and needs. Some people work in offices. Some work as doctors, engineers, nurses, teachers and lawyers. Some people have their own business.

Some people work as farmers, carpenters, tailors, labourers, potters, cobblers, ironsmiths, etc.

Most of the people in India live in villages. Farming is one of the main occupations of the people in our country. Farmers in India grow many kinds of cereals, vegetables, fruits, tea, jute and other crops. Farming is done at places with a fertile soil and water resources like wells, tanks, canals and rivers.

Cattle rearing is another important occupation. People keep animals like cows, buffaloes and goats which provide us milk. Oxen are used for ploughing the fields. In hilly areas, people rear sheep to get wool from them. Some people have poultry farms from where we get eggs and chicken to eat.

Many people work in industries which depend on the products of farming. People working in textile mills produce cloth from cotton. People working in jute mills make bags and ropes used for packing cement, sugar, food grains, etc. In sugar mills , sugar cane is crushed to make sugar. People working in oil mills  produce oil from mustard seeds, groundnut or sunflower, etc.

In tea gardens, people pick up tea leaves and send them for processing and manufacturing tea.

Some areas of our country, which are on hilltops, have thick forests. The trees are cut and the wood from the trees is used for producing many items such as doors and windows of the houses, furniture, packing boxes, etc. Paper, matchboxes and matchsticks are also made from wood. Some people collect the latex from the rubber trees to make rubber. Others collect gum and herbs from the forests and sell them in the market.

Our country has a very long coastline. In coastal areas, people catch fish from the sea. So, fishing is the main occupation of the people living near the sea coast. They have big boats and nets for this purpose. People in these areas are very fond of eating fish. Many people also work in factories where fish is processed and packed in tins. Packed fish is then sent to other parts of India and abroad, where fish is not available naturally.

Our country has many mines of minerals like coal, iron, mica, limestone, etc. Many people work in these mines and dig out minerals and metals from the Earth.

Many people work in the industries which make small and huge articles from these metals. Industries that utilize these metals manufacture bicycles, tractors, aeroplanes, railway engines, sewing machines, tools, etc.
Assignment:- Read chapter-9 carefully.      

Assignment:- Do Ex-B,C,D , Page No. 66 in the text book.

Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-

We celebrate many occasions such as birthdays, weddings, wedding anniversaries, etc. with our family. On these occasions we invite our friends and relatives. We give and receive gifts.

We also celebrate a number of festivals during the year. Festivals such as Holi, Diwali, Basant Panchami, Eid, Christmas, Guruparab, Onam, Pongal, Bihu, Durga Puja, etc. are fun for everybody. We wait for these festivals very eagerly. We buy and wear new clothes. We prepare and distribute sweets. People sing and dance to celebrate some festivals.
Festivals which are celebrated throughout the country by the entire nation are called National Festivals. National festivals remind us of some special events in the history of our country. We have three main national festivals:

1. Independence Day
2. Republic Day
3. Gandhi Jayanti

Independence Day
India got its independence from the British rule on 15th August, 1947. We celebrate this day as our national festival. On this day, the Prime Minister of India hoists the National Flag at the Red Fort in Delhi. On this day, we remember those who had sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their  country.

Republic Day
The Republic Day is celebrated on 26th January, every year. On this day, a special parade is held at Vijay Chowk in New Delhi. School children also take part in  this parade. There is a display oftanks, aeroplanes and marchpast of the armed forces.
Decorated ‘Jhankis’ or tableaux from different states are the main attractions of the parade. Children who recieve bravery awards also take part in the parade. They come riding on the elephants.

The President of India takes the salute of the Republic Day parade. Important government buildings are also lighted up in the evening.

Gandhi Jayanti
On this day, we celebrate the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi – the Father of the Nation. It is celebrated on 2nd October every year. On this day, a special function is held at Raj Ghat, the samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi, in New Delhi. People pay their homage to the great leader, who spent his entire life fighting for the independence of the country.

Festivals which are connected with religious events and are celebrated mostly by the people of that particular religion are called Religious Festivals. People of many religions live in India. Thus many religious festivals are celebrated here.

Diwali is celebrated to mark the return of Lord Rama, Sita and Lakshmana to Ayodhya after fourteen years of exile. It is also called the ‘festival of  lights’. Houses are cleaned and decorated with candles, diyas or small bulbs. Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi – the ‘Goddess of Wealth’ – are worshipped on the Diwali night. People exchange sweets and other gift items. Children play with crackers and sparklers. Some people celebrate it as the New Year Day.

Holi is a ‘festival of colours’. It is celebrated in the month of March when the crops of wheat and millet are ready for harvesting. It is also considered as a harvest festival.

On this day, people apply coloured powder or gulal on friends and relatives. They also sprinkle coloured water on each other with a pichkari. That is why, it is called a 'festival of colours'. People embrace each other and also distribute sweets.

This festival is celebrated in all parts of our country. It marks the victory of good over evil. It is also called Vijayadashami. On this day, Lord Rama had killed the tenheaded demon King, Ravana.

Ramlila, depicting the life story of Lord Rama, is enacted for nine days. On the tenth day, the effigies of Ravana, Meghnad and Kumbhakarna are burnt along with the bursting of crackers.

In some states like Bengal, Dussehra is celebrated as Durga Puja. The images of Durga are worshipped, and on the tenth day, they are immersed in a river. In Gujarat, it is celebrated as Navratri. Men and women perform the Garba dance, every evening for nine days.

Ganesh Chaturthi
This festival is celebrated mainly in Maharashtra to mark the birthday of Lord Ganesha or Ganpati – the elephantheaded ‘God of Wisdom’. Huge idols of Ganpati are installed in pandals (huge tents) and homes.

Janmashtami is celebrated to mark the birthday of Lord Krishna. On Mahavir Jayanti the Jains celebrate the birthday of Lord Mahavira. The birth of Lord Buddha is celebrated on Buddha Purnima.

Basant Panchami
Basant Panchami is celebrated in the beginning of the spring season. People wear yellow clothes, and sing and dance with joy. In Bengal, it is celebrated by worshipping 'Saraswati – the Goddess of learning'. In Punjab, people fly colourful kites and cook yellow coloured rice or sweet dishes.

Raksha Bandhan
On this day, sisters tie Rakhis on their brothers' wrists, and pray for their welfare. Brothers give gifts or money to their sisters and pledge to protect and take care of them.

Eid or Id is the most important Muslim festival. People go to mosques to offer Namaz. They embrace each other and wish ‘Eid Mubarak’. People give alms to the poor. ‘Sevian’, a special sweet dish, is prepared on the day of ld-ul- Fitr.

Id-ul-Zuha is also known as Bakrid. Goats are sacrificed on this day. So there are two types of Eid.

The birthdays of the Sikh Gurus are celebrated as Guruparabs. On these days, people go to the Gurudwaras, and pray to their Gurus.

The Sikhs have ten Gurus including Guru Nanak Dev, who was the founder of the Sikh religion.

It is celebrated on the 25th December all over the world. It is the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ.

People decorate Christmas trees in their homes with shining balls, bulbs and bells.

They also put stars on the Christmas trees and on the front door of the house. They go to churches to pray, and exchange gifts on this occasion.

Harvest is an important activity in our country. It is the time when a crop that has been sown earlier is ready for reaping. The festivals that mark the change of seasons are called Harvest Festivals. These festivals are known by different names and celebrated in different ways across the country.

It is the festival of Tamil Nadu. On this day, cows are fed with Pongal Rice. The Sun God is worshiped. It is celebrated for three days, and is one of the most important festivals of Tamil Nadu.

It is the harvest festival of Kerala. It is a colourful festival. Boat races are held on this day. Elephants are fully decorated and their processions are taken out on the streets.

It is the harvest festival of Assam. It is celebrated in the month of April. Buffalo fighting is one of the main attractions of the festival.

It is the harvest festival of Punjab and Haryana. It is celebrated on 13th of April every year. It is celebrated with great joy. People wear traditional clothes and perform their traditional dance, Bhangra and Gidda. Festivals like Teej and Chhat are also celebrated with great joy.

We also celebrate the birthdays of many great men as festivals.

14th November, the birthday of our first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, is celebrated as the Children’s Day. Children remember him as Chacha Nehru.

5th September, the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the former President and a great educationist, is celebrated as the Teacher's Day.

Festivals teach us to celebrate, enjoy and live together. National festivals are celebrated all over the country. But some festivals are celebrated differently in different states.

Tribal people living in many parts of our country have their own festivals and ways of celebrating them.
Assignment:- Read chapter -8 carefully.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
Dresses worn by the people in India depend upon the place where they live and the climatic conditions of those places. Some dresses are very popular, and are worn throughout the country.

Women’s dresses like saree, ghaghra-choli, salwar-kameez, etc. are popular all over the country.

Similarly, men’s dresses such as shirt-trousers, dhoti-kurta, kurta-pyjama, kurta-lungi are worn by men all over the country.

The women of our country wear colourful dresses. Styles and designs of their dresses differ from place to place. The cloth used for making dresses also differs.

The most popular dress of women in India is saree. Sarees are worn in different styles in different states. We can easily know the state to which an Indian woman belongs, by seeing the way she wears her saree.

Other popular dresses are salwar-kameez in Punjab, Lehnga-choli in Gujarat, Ghaghra-kurta and Odhni in Haryana. Some women and girls wear jeans, frocks and skirts too.

The style of men’s dresses also differs from state to state.

Some men also cover their heads with a cap or a turban. The style of tying a turban also varies from state to state. The Gandhi cap is very popular in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

The dress of a person also depends upon the season in which it is worn. In winter, people wear thick, woollen clothes. In summer, they wear light, cotton dresses. In hilly areas, where it is cold throughout the year, people wear woollen clothes. In Kashmir, men and women wear a long woollen kurta, called the Phiran.

There are many tribes living in different parts of our country. They have their own typical dresses and customs.

Assignment:- Read chapter -7 and complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
India is a very big country. The type of land and climate of our country differs from place to place. That is why, the vegetables, fruits and cereals which grow in our country also differ from place to place.

People living in different areas eat different kinds of food. Usually, they eat cereals, fruits and vegetables, which commonly grow in the area in which they live.

Wheat, rice, maize and millets are the main cereals produced in India.

People in North India eat mainly wheat. Chapatis, puris and paranthas are made from wheat. People here generally eat chapatis with dal, vegetables and curd.

Most people in South India eat rice. Rice is either boiled or fried. In South India, people make a number of dishes like idli and dosa from rice.

Some people eat only cereals, pulses, vegetables and fruits. They are called vegetarians.

Some people also eat meat, fish and eggs. They are called non-vegetarians. Many people who live near the sea eat fish.
We have different kinds of food and different ways of cooking them. The oil used in cooking our food also differs from place to place. In North India, people use mostly ghee and mustard oil. In the South , groundnut oil and coconut oil are used for cooking.

Spices are added to the food to make it colourful and tasty. Spices have made the Indian food popular all over the world. The dishes like idli, dosa and sambar from South India, and sweets of Bengal, like rasogulla, sandesh are famous everywhere.

All the fruits and vegetables are usually not available throughout the year. Some fruits and vegetables are available only in a particular season and are called seasonal, such as mangoes. They are available only in summer.

With the help of the rail and road transport, cereals, fruits and vegetables produced in one state are transported to other places and are made available in every part of the country. For example, apples are grown in hilly areas only, but we can get them all over the country.
Assignment:- Read chapter-6 and complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

TIME: 9:20 AM

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
India is a very big country. It extends from Kashmir in the north to Kanyakumari in the south, and from Gujarat in the west to Arunachal Pradesh in the east. There are more than one hundred and twenty crore people living in our country. In population size, we are second to China.

We have an elected government, called the Central Government, to look after the needs and welfare of the people of India. The Central Government consists of the President, the Prime Minister and several other Ministers.

These important people have offices in New Delhi – the capital of India.

Since it is difficult to rule such a big country only from one place, our country has been divided into a number of smaller parts, called the States. Each state has its own capital and government, called the State Government. The State Government looks after the problems of its people and works for their welfare.

Presently, there are 29 states in India. The states have their Governors, the Chief Ministers and other Ministers. They have their offices in the state capitals.

There are some smaller parts of the country, which are directly under the control of the Central Government. These are called the Union Territories. There are seven Union Territories in India.

Delhi is a Union Territory with the status of National Capital Territory. All the people living in different states of India are Indians, though they have different languages, customs, food habits, lifestyle, etc. We should be proud of our country – India.

Assignment:- Read chapter-5 and learn states with their capitals.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-

Our country, India, is the seventh largest country in the world. If we travel through India, we shall find that India has a variety of land surface.


Some parts of our country have high mountains. A mountain is a very high land mass with sloping sides and peaks.

In this map, we can see high mountains in the north. These mountains are called the Himalayas. Some of the peaks of these mountains remain covered with snow all the year round. Mount Everest, the highest peak in INDIA PHYSICAL Northern Fertile Plain Coastal Plains Great Indian Desert Himalayan Region the world, is also in the Himalayas.

The central and the southern parts of India also have some mountains. These mountains are lower in height, and are called the hills, such as the Aravalli Hills in central India and the Nilgiri Hills in the south. The mountain regions are cold throughout the year.

Many parts of our country are plains. They lie to the south of the Himalayas, and also along the sea coasts.

The northern plains are very hot in summer and very cold in winter. However, the plains along the sea coast are neither very hot, nor too cold.

Many rivers flow through these plains, and make them very fertile. Some of the important rivers of these plains are: the Ganga, the Yamuna, the Brahmaputra, the Krishna, the Kaveri, the Mahanadi and the Godavari.

The southern part of our country looks like a cone in shape. It is surrounded by seas and ocean on three sides. This type of land is called a peninsula.

In the southern part of India, some of the land is higher than the surrounding land, but has a flat surface. Such a land is called a plateau. The plateau region in southern India is called the Deccan Plateau.

The land in the Deccan Plateau is rocky, hard and uneven.

Some parts of our country are covered with sand. A sandy land is called a desert. This type of land is found in the northwestern part of the country, and is known as the Thar desert. Most of it is in the state of Rajasthan.

This area is hot and dry.

There is very little rainfall. There are no permanent rivers. Very few plants grow here. Cactus is the only plant found in abundance here. The camel is an impor tant
means of transport in the desert.

The southern part of India, which looks like a cone, has water bodies on three sides. The Arabian Sea lies on the west. The Bay of Bengal is along the eastern coast. The Indian Ocean is to the south of this cone.

An island is a piece of land surrounded by water on all the sides.

On the western and eastern sides of south India, there are two groups of islands. One group of islands, which is in the Arabian Sea, is called the Lakshadweep Islands. The other group of islands, which is in the Bay of Bengal, is called the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

We have read that land surface is not the same throughout India. In the same way climate is also different.

- The mountains have cold climate throughout the year.

- In North India, the summers are very hot and dry and winters are cold.

- In the coastal plains it is neither very hot nor very cold.

Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.

Check your progress 1.
Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.
Pg No. 27.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
The natural environment consists of all living and nonliving things that occur on the Earth. An environment is all that surrounds a thing. We see a number of objects in our environment – the sun, the moon, and stars in the sky, birds, animals, ships, houses, air, water and all.

We use different objects in our daily life. These objects are made of different materials. What do you do with the things you do not need ? You throw them in the dustbin. These unwanted things are called Litter. Litter is trash put in the wrong place.

Litter, that is, trash or garbage can :

– spread diseases because flies and mosquitoes sit on it.

– contaminate the soil and water.

– cause injury from broken glass.

Litter is dangerous and bad for the environment. The air, land and water get polluted. Some of the litter (waste) rots like vegetable peels and decays. Some others do not decay and contaminate the Earth. This causes pollution of the land, air and water. To pollute means to make it dirty and harmful.

Let us learn and understand how our environment gets polluted. We, human beings, are the main source of pollution. Pollution is of different types:

1. Air Pollution

2. Land Pollution

3. Water Pollution

4. Noise Pollution

Air Pollution
The air gets polluted due to the various activities by us. Air in a city gets polluted mainly due to smoke from vehicles. The other causes are :

– smoke from factories.

– burning of fire crackers.

Polluted air causes breathing problems (asthama).

It also affects plants and animals.

Prevent Air from Getting Polluted You can also contribute to prevent air pollution in the following ways :

- Plant trees around your house and in your school.

- Take care of each plant. Trees make the air pure.

- Do not burn crackers. Say no to crackers.

- Write on both sides of the paper.

- Donate your old books to the poor and needy.

In this way, you can help stop the cutting of trees because paper is made from the pulp of trees.

Land Pollution
Do you know where does all the rubbish you throw, go ? It is on the land where you live! The land gets polluted due to our own actions, such as :

Water Pollution
Water gets polluted due to various human activities. Some of them are :

Harmful Effects of Water Pollution

Pollution of water can cause diseases like cholera, jaundice.

Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is another serious problem. Unpleasant sound is called noise. Have you heard the loud blowing of horns by vehicles, the loudspeakers during weddings and festivals? All this causes noise pollution. Some of the causes of noise pollution are :

Harmful Effects of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can harm our ears. It can cause deafness. It also affects old people with heart problems.

Save Your Environment – Save the Earth
We all can save our environment and lead a healthy life.We can contribute in the following ways by reducing and preventing pollution.

Save Energy :
- Turn off lights when you’re not using a room.

- Turn off the TV when not being played.

- Turn off your computer when you are not using it.

- Teach your family to turn off appliances and lights that are not in use.

- Turn off tap when you are brushing your teeth.

Assignment:- Do Ex A,C,D,F from page No. 23 to 25 in your Social Studies-OCB .
Learn Qs ans of Chapter 3.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
Earth - How it looks

The Earth is very big. We cannot see the whole of the Earth at one time. So, we have made a model of the Earth. A model of the Earth is called a globe.

Since the Earth is round, the globe is also round like a ball. We can see one half of the globe at a time. To see the other half, we have to rotate it. The Earth is slightly flat at the top and the bottom.

The topmost point of the Earth is called the north pole. The bottom most point of the Earth is called the south pole.

Different colours on the globe show the land and the water bodies. The blue parts show the water bodies. Different colours are used to show different countries and continents.
Look at the picture. The land on the Earth is divided into many large parts. These large parts of the land on the Earth are called continents. There are seven continents in all.

They are :
1. Asia 2. Africa 3. Europe 4. North America 5. South America 6. Australia 7. Antarctica

Asia is the largest continent. Australia is the smallest continent.

Large bodies of water on the earth are called oceans. The four main oceans on the earth are :

1. The Pacific Ocean

2. The Atlantic Ocean

3. The Indian Ocean

4. The Arctic Ocean

The Indian Ocean is named after India – our country. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth. The smaller bodies of water are called seas, bays and  gulfs.

Since the globe is small in size, we cannot show all the places of the Earth on a globe. It is also difficult to carry a globe everywhere. We can solve this problem by using a map.

A map is a drawing of the Earth on a flat surface. A map which shows the whole Earth is called a world map. A map of a smaller area can also be drawn.

A map may be small in size, such as a map in a book. A map may be big in size which can be put up on a wall. Such maps are called the wall maps. A book of maps is called an atlas.

Maps are easy to carry. We can fold or roll a map. A map can be drawn for a continent, a country, a city or a town.

Look at the map of the largest continent – Asia.

Our country, India, is in the southern part of Asia. Every map shows four main directions:

1. North

2. South

3. East

4. West

These directions help us to locate the various places on the map.

When we hang a map on the wall and stand facing it, we find that the north is always at the top of the map. The south is at the bottom of the map. The right hand side is the east and the left hand side is the west.

In all the maps, the directions are always shown in the same manner.

Did you know that sailors use a compass to find their way while sailing? A compass is an instrument which helps to know the directions. There are four directions – East, West, North and South. The compass is like a watch and has a needle which always points to the north direction.
Assignment:- Do Ex- A,C,D,E,F,G and I from page No.15 to 17 and learn Qs ans of Chapter 2.

Now watch this video for your better understanding:-
Earth - Our Home

The Earth on which we live is our home.

- We make our houses on it.
- We play and work on it.
- We grow our food on it.
- We build houses and buildings on it.

Like human beings, animals, birds and insects also live on the Earth. Millions of plants and trees grow on it.

The surface of the Earth is made up of land and water. About three-fourths of the earth’s surface is water and one-fourth is land. As there is more water on its surface, the Earth looks blue from the space. That is why it is called the Blue Planet. The Earth is made up of land, water and air. Life is possible on the Earth because of these things.

All human beings, animals and plants need air to live. The Earth is surrounded by a layer of air. This layer of air is called the atmosphere. We cannot see air around us. We can only feel it.


The shape of the earth is round like a huge football. Hundreds of years ago, people didn’t know that the earth is round like a ball. They thought that it was flat. So they were afraid of travelling to far-off places. They thought that if they travelled too far, they would reach the end of the Earth and fall down from it.

It was about 500 years ago that some brave sailors started on a long voyage. Ferdinand Magellan, a brave sailor from Spain, took five ships and many sailors. He started sailing towards the west. Magellan kept on sailing in the same direction without taking a turn. It was a difficult journey. After sailing for three years, he reached the same place from where he had started. This long journey proved that the Earth is round and not flat.

Science has made a great progress. We know a lot about the Earth. Two astronauts from America were the first to land on the moon. They were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin.

From the moon, they took many photographs of the Earth.

Satellites have also taken pictures of the earth. These photographs clearly show that the earth is round like a ball.

If we look out from the top of a high building, the land and the sky seem to meet at a distant point. The place where they seem to meet is called the horizon. Actually, the land and the sky never meet. If we move towards the horizon, it will seem to move farther away.

If we stand near a seashore, the water and the sky also seem to meet at a distant point. But actually, the water and the sky never meet.

The place where the land and the sea meet is called a Coast.

Assignment:- Complete the following in your Social Studies-OCB.
Do Ex - A, C,D,E on page No. 9 and 10.


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